Managing Challenging Behaviour
As someone who works with children and young people, it’s likely that you have encountered challenging behaviour at some point in your career.
It can be difficult to know how to deal with this sort of behaviour and research by the Department for Education (2019) showed that it is a major reason for educators to leave the profession.
However, with the right knowledge, techniques and, through understanding that there is usually an underlying cause that needs to be identified and supported, you can handle challenging behaviour effectively, appropriately, and confidently.
This ‘Managing Challenging Behaviour’ workshop aims to provide you with the knowledge you need to respond to challenging behaviour in children and young people.
It will explore possible underlying causes and functions of the behaviour; the proactive strategies you can use to reduce the likelihood of it occurring, and how to deflect or react to low-level behaviour.
The workshop will also discuss extreme challenging behaviour, including how to de-escalate incidents and put support in place (such as behaviour support plans, restorative practice, and targeted interventions) to help the child after the event.
This course is aimed at teachers, teaching assistants and pastoral support staff who work with all children and young people, and those with social, emotional and mental health needs.
The course objectives:
- to be able to understand what challenging behaviour is, theories behind it, its potential causes and functions, and the impact it has on the child and those around them
- to understand the importance of a whole-school approach to behaviour
- to understand practical classroom strategies that can be used to support and manage challenging behaviour
- to understand how to respond effectively to extreme behaviour